What's a way-cation?
Well if a vacation is when you leave where you are and go somewhere else, and a stay-cation is where you don't go anywhere, and procrastination is when you never get anywhere, then a way-cation is when you find a way.
Well if a vacation is when you leave where you are and go somewhere else, and a stay-cation is where you don't go anywhere, and procrastination is when you never get anywhere, then a way-cation is when you find a way.
Wouldn't you like to find "a way"?
A lot of us are lost in life, just doing the next thing that pops into our frame of reference.
Where's the GPS that shows us how to navigate our lives?
Where's the GPS that shows us how to navigate our lives?
I remember when I was young and we didn't have the technology we have today, we used to just get in our cars and drive, to just see where we ended up - on whim you'd turn left, or right, or not at all, just get on the open road and turn the radio up and enjoy the freedom of no agenda or destination.
It's funny I drove a lot faster then than I do now.
It's funny I drove a lot faster then than I do now.
Today I seem to focus more on why is everyone else going so fast, what emergency requires that sort of speed, where can they possibly be going, why do they have such little regard for themselves and the people around them. How can I stay out of their way, because I don't want to be like them.
I continue along at my own pace, going my way, and I say a prayer for them and the journey they are on.
Silently wishing for them to find their own way-cation.
As a life coach, I work with many clients who just need to find their way to do life, on their terms with their circumstances and unique issues. On the road of life, it's like they have stopped and asked me for directions on which way to go next.
When they share their desired destination, I'm happy to point them down the road.
I love it when our paths cross and I get to walk with them for a while on their journey.
As they move on, I generally remind them to stop and smell the roses on their way-cation.
By the way - if you need a way-cation, let's have a conversation. In just 20 minutes we can work on a plan for you to move forward in the direction of your dreams! It's a welcome pitstop for many a weary traveler.

I get asked this question often, as it is somewhat confusing to understand the distinction between the two roles of life coach versus counselor.
As an Oola life coach, my answer might be a bit biased towards my style of "helping professional".
I was attracted to the Oola Life Style because I love the message that each person is uniquely designed with gifts they should share with the world. I believe that within each of us is dream that we feel lead to follow so that we can achieve our maximum potential. When we are out of balance in the key areas of life we lose the ability to grow and go after these desires; thus the need for supportive, encouraging accountability practices and partnerships becomes a worthwhile endeavor.
I work with my clients for an agreed upon time period, working specifically on a set of goals or changed behaviors that are expected to be achieved. There is no guarantee of the transformation that will occur, other than the fact that if no different actions occur in the clients life nothing is likely to change.
A Counseling Today article (see here) makes this distinction: "Coaching advocates say they provide a distinct service that helps clients work on their goals for the future and create a new life path. They say counselors spend more time examining the past, looking for solutions to emotional concerns and seeking a diagnosis required by insurance companies".
Mental health is something that I take extremely seriously; if there are significant indicators of depression, abuse, addiction or suicidal warning-signs, I immediately refer clients to a therapist for psychological problem evaluation, as a best practice in order to best benefit the client and their family.
If you would like more information regarding life coaching packages available with Tina Gering - please email her at tinagering2016@gmail.com or sign up for a FREE Discovery Coaching session here.

I don't know about you but I love mother's day, not just because I am a mother, but because I have fond memories of trying to make this day special for my mother while I was growing up (and beyond of course)! I remember one year I bought my mom a dove for a mother's day gift - I thought she would love it (I'm not so sure she did!).
Then there are all those wonderful memories of Mother's Days when my kids have done something special for me - like making me breakfast in bed! Mostly they seem to get me a sweet card and work extra hard to let me know how much I mean to them - which is a pretty nice way to make up for giving birth to them and raising them into the fine young adults they are today! (Yes, I am super proud of all my "kiddos" in case you can't tell!)
This Mother's day I have already had some Cozy OolaTea shipped to my mom's (yep, I am blessed with a multitude of them) - and I plan to spend the day with the ones who are currently home from college - and the evening teaching a new essential oils class on one of my favorite oils. The class is called FRANK - Discover the Truth (about Frankincense) - and it's FREE! If you don't have anything special going on at 8pm CST on Sunday, May 10th I hope you'll join me! Learn more here.